“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” Psalm 119:18

Praying God’s word is a powerful way to grow in your prayer life. You can personalize scripture, gain wisdom or peace, and deepen your faith by speaking Bible verses into your prayers.
Weaving Bible verses into prayer will help you memorize scripture, deepen your faith, and enrich your time talking with God.
This printable download includes:
• Starter verses and examples for praying God’s word
• Blank prayer cards to print for your personal use
• Tips from my personal experience using scripture when I pray
There are many Bible verses you could pray, therefore it’s important to personalize your prayers by choosing scripture that speaks to you, or that you sense God putting on your heart. If you’ve never prayed the Bible, just know that it can be as simple as reciting the actual words from the verse as you pray. It doesn’t have to be complicated or fancy, and this practice will even help you find the words when you don’t know what to pray.
For more insight, read this interview with John Piper, on how to pray the scriptures, over at DesiringGod.com.
I hope these tools will help you to grow in your prayer life, deepen your faith, and saturate your heart in God’s word and promises. Many blessings to you, and thank you for downloading my printable prayer cards!